A 26-year-old woman from Madhya Pradesh, Sangita Badriprasad Lodhi, was found dead in an abandoned quarry in Pune’s Khed taluka on January 9. Investigations into her death have revealed that she was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Devendra Kumar Shamlal Lodhi (27), who allegedly pushed her 80 feet off the quarry edge.
The police have arrested the suspect, Devendra Kumar Shamlal Lodhi (27), who is also from the same village and has been working at a private company in the Kharabwadi area of Khed taluka as a laborer.
On January 9, around 10:20 am, Sangita’s body was discovered in an abandoned quarry located amidst hills in the Kharabwadi area of Khed. “We checked the footage from the CCTV cameras on the roads approaching the quarry,” said the police in conversation.
“Hours before the body was discovered, the woman was seen approaching the area, but the man was seen leaving alone, which further raised suspicion. The two had earlier checked into a local lodge, from where their identities were ascertained. Subsequently, Devendra Kumar was placed under arrest, and further investigation revealed that he had murdered her by pushing her off the edge of the quarry,” said an officer at Mahalunge MIDC police station.
Inspector Vasant Babar, in charge of the police station, added further, “Sangita and Devendra Kumar had been in a relationship since 2010. However, in 2018, Sangita got married to another man whom she divorced a year later and had been residing in her native village since then. Meanwhile, Devendra Kumar had started working in Pune as a laborer. Investigation suggests that Sangita had started repeatedly calling him and proposing marriage after their reunion. Devendra Kumar wanted to get rid of her. To achieve which he called her to Pune on the pretext of taking her on an outing and pushed her off the cliff.”
Devendra Kumar was produced before the court on Sunday and was remanded to police custody till January 19, said Crime Inspector Santosh Kasbe.
Team Profile
- Varsha Baisane, a CS and media student, is driven by curiosity and a love for adventure. Her passion for linguistics fuels a desire to engage in diverse conversations that bridge cultures and perspectives. Raised with a foundation of kindness, Dipa values and cherishes it in all her interactions. With a dynamic blend of technical and creative interests, she brings a unique perspective and a commitment to positive engagement in her academic and personal pursuits.
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