A distressing incident in Pune has gone viral on social media, showing a 30-year-old man attacking his 28-year-old colleague, Shubhada Kodare, with a cleaver in the office parking lot. The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, was witnessed by over two dozen bystanders who failed to intervene. The one-minute, blurry video surfaced online on Thursday and shows the attacker, Krishna Satyanarayan Kanojia, wielding the weapon calmly before Shubhada collapses to the ground, bleeding profusely.
Although nearly 20 people witnessed the attack at the BPO where the two worked, they subdued the attacker only after he discarded the weapon. This inaction has sparked widespread outrage over bystander apathy and concerns regarding workplace safety for women. Due to the sensitive nature of the footage, The Hindustan Times has refrained from sharing the visuals.
Shubhada succumbed to her injuries later that day in a private hospital. Reports suggest the attack stemmed from a financial dispute, with Kanojia claiming Shubhada borrowed ₹4 lakh under false pretences, citing her father’s medical needs. Investigations revealed that Kanojia discovered her father was healthy during a visit, leading to repeated demands for repayment. Shubhada reportedly avoided him and filed a non-cognisable complaint against him three months prior.
The National Commission for Women (NCW) has condemned the incident and demanded swift action. NCW Chairperson Vijaya Rahatkar has urged Maharashtra’s Director General of Police to ensure a thorough investigation and submit an Action Taken Report, along with the FIR, within 48 hours. Kanojia, now in custody, faces charges as the investigation continues.
Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Patil stated that the two worked as accounts executives at the BPO in Ramwadi, Yerawada. The altercation escalated after repeated conflicts over the repayment, ultimately leading to the violent attack.
Team Profile
- Aryan Gulati is a dedicated media student based in Meerut with a wealth of experience in various newspapers and media houses. He has numerous published articles and specializes in political and crime news writing, demonstrating a strong commitment to impactful journalism.
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