The families of two Dalit teenagers, found hanging from a tree in Uttar Pradesh’s Farrukhabad district, demanded a CBI investigation into the case on Wednesday, rejecting the local police’s assertion that the girls died by suicide. The families refused to perform the last rites for several hours and rejected the post-mortem report, raising concerns about the police investigation and the medical process.
The two girls, aged 15 and 18, were discovered hanging from a tree in a mango orchard on Tuesday morning, evoking memories of a similar case in Badaun a decade ago. The girls, who were neighbors and close friends, were found hanging from the same dupatta. The post-mortem indicated that the girls died from ante-mortem asphyxia, or hanging. Based on this, the police suggested that the case was likely a suicide. However, the families rejected this conclusion. “I will not allow the cremation until a proper investigation is conducted. The post-mortem report is not trustworthy, and I don’t believe they could have committed suicide with a single dupatta,” said the father of the younger girl.
He insisted that the cremation be postponed until the circumstances of the deaths were fully investigated. “Our daughters were murdered, and the suicide theory is not credible. The bodies will not be moved unless a CID or CBI probe is ordered,” said the younger girl’s aunt.
The families also raised several questions about the incident, including why the police did not wait for the forensic team to arrive before cutting the dupatta with a knife. They challenged the police’s statement that there were no injuries on the victims, alleging that both girls had red marks on their backs, and noted that despite their complaint, no murder case had been registered. “The girls were happy and had no reason to take such a drastic step. The marks on their backs suggest this is a case of murder,” said a relative of the older girl. The coffins with the bodies were placed in Bhagautipur village amid protests from the families and locals.
For two hours, police and administrative officials tried to convince the families to proceed with the cremation. The bodies were eventually cremated at Ataina Ghat on the Badaun border after sub-divisional magistrate Ravindra Singh and circle officer Jitendra Singh Tomar assured the families of a transparent investigation. The police defended their actions. “According to the post-mortem report, it seems to be a case of ante-mortem asphyxia, indicating that the deaths were due to hanging. Additionally, there are no external injuries on the bodies. The police are investigating the case with an open mind and following various leads,” said Farrukhabad superintendent of police Alok Priyadarshi.
Team Profile
- Aryan Gulati is a dedicated media student based in Meerut with a wealth of experience in various newspapers and media houses. He has numerous published articles and specializes in political and crime news writing, demonstrating a strong commitment to impactful journalism.
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