On Friday morning, January 3, 2025, the Madurai City police arrested BJP leader Khushbu Sundar and members of the party’s women’s wing as they attempted to launch a ‘justice rally’ from Madurai to Chennai in response to the Anna University sexual assault case. The police had denied permission for the rally.
Protesters, gathered near Simmakkal, adorned themselves with flowers and carried fire pots, demanding a thorough investigation into the sexual assault of an Anna University student on December 23, 2024. Addressing the crowd, Khushbu Sundar, a BJP national executive committee member, acknowledged the lack of permission for the rally, stating it was because the protest opposed the DMK government.
“Unlike other parties, we have not provided money or food to participants,” she said, emphasising the voluntary support from both BJP-affiliated women and others. “This is not just a BJP issue; it concerns anyone with a woman in their family,” she added.
Among those detained was BJP Mahila Morcha president Umarathi Rajan, along with other women members, who were later held in a private hall.
Condemning the arrests, BJP national co-in-charge for Tamil Nadu, Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, accused the DMK government of suppressing peaceful protests. He alleged the government had failed to support the survivor and was deliberately protecting repeat offenders.
“The arrest of Tamil Nadu BJP Mahila Morcha president Umarathi Rajan and Khushbu Sundar, who led the justice rally, is highly condemnable,” Reddy stated.
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- Aryan Gulati is a dedicated media student based in Meerut with a wealth of experience in various newspapers and media houses. He has numerous published articles and specializes in political and crime news writing, demonstrating a strong commitment to impactful journalism.
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