In a tragic event, a 13-year-old boy who worked at a roadside restaurant (dhaba) in the Mahoba area of Uttar Pradesh was allegedly sexually assaulted by the owner. The incident was discovered after the youngster, who had managed to escape from the accused, told the authorities about the Incident.
Police examined the youngster medically and are currently looking for the fugitive restaurant owner.
The minor had left his town for the city in order to find work because he was suffering from hunger and poverty. Later, he was hired by Rajesh, the owner of Rathor Dhaba.
For the past three days, Rajesh would strip the youngster and take advantage of him sexually after everyone had gone to bed. Rajesh allegedly threatened the youngster to keep quiet after he resisted.
The boy, who was distressed, was able to sneak out of the restaurant and get to the police. In response to the boy’s complaint, a case was filed.
The accused is currently on the run, and police are attempting to apprehend him.
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