In a tragic incident, a woman lost her life shortly after giving birth at a private nursing home in Uttar Pradesh. The nursing home, alleged to be unlisted with the health department, has come under scrutiny following the unfortunate event, as reported by officials based on preliminary investigations.
According to sources, the doctor who performed the delivery was practicing without a valid medical degree, raising serious concerns about the quality of healthcare provided at the facility.
A joint investigation by the health department and local police is currently underway to shed light on the matter. Deputy Chief Medical Officer JC Saroj has confirmed that while the newborn survived the delivery, the doctor in question has reportedly fled the scene.
The deceased woman has been identified as Ritu Devi, the wife of Virendra Kumar, a 22-year-old, and she was admitted to the private nursing home on Friday. The doctor responsible for the delivery, Sailesh Saroj, conducted surgery on Saturday leading to the birth of the baby. Tragically, Ritu Devi passed away following the surgery, leaving her family devastated.
As the investigation unfolds, it has been revealed that the nursing home had not obtained the necessary registration with the health department. Furthermore, Sailesh Saroj, the doctor in charge, was discovered to lack a valid medical degree, adding a concerning layer to the already distressing situation. After the incident, witnesses claim that the doctor instructed other patients to vacate the premises before making a swift exit himself.
Local Police are also in the process of arranging a post-mortem examination for the deceased woman and are preparing to file a First Information Report (FIR) to officially document the incident.
This incident has sparked renewed discussions about the importance of regulating medical facilities and ensuring that healthcare practitioners are properly qualified to provide safe and effective treatments.
-Ira Vyas
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