
Image source: Foreign Policy

In the initial Biden administration, Antony Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, affirmed that the United States of America would only consult with China if the result would be “tangible outcomes” to settle matters among the tactical corrival.

However, after two-and-a-half years in the office, that attitude seems to have transformed. From the beginning of summer, the administration has commenced a hugely unrequited push to have a discussion with Beijing, to set up working parties, and send 3 cabinet-level administrators and the US’s topmost climate delegates to Beijing.

The scheme, which was deliberately set up to a certain extent to rescue a relationship that had tumbled down to a threatening level at the beginning of this year when the U.S. shot down a Chinese spy balloon, could result in a one-on-one meeting between Joe Biden, the U.S. President, and Xi Jinping, the Chinese President, next month, which will be their first in a whole year.

A senior in the Biden administration stated, “The goal truly is channels of communication and ensuring we don’t veer into conflict – simple as that.”

Ivan Kanapathy, ex-deputy senior director for Asia in the White House National Security Council, stated, “The return to high-level economic dialogues is a win for China, especially as Beijing continues to stonewall and gaslight on military risk reduction, cyber theft, and human rights.”

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Khushboo Haq
Khushboo HaqNews Writer
Khushboo Haq is a First year student of M.A. in political science and international relations at Gautam Buddha University. She wants to leverage her strong writing skills, creativity, and expertise in various niches to deliver high-quality, and engaging, content for News Media.

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