Unpredicted Earthquake Tremors Rock Delhi NCR and Surrounding States: A Wake-Up Call for Preparedness and Safety Measures


Image source: Times of India

On Wednesday, a seismic event of magnitude 6.3 occurred in western Nepal, resulting in the transmission of tremors into the adjacent territory of India.

The National Centre for Seismology (NCS) has reported that the epicenter of this earthquake, which transpired at 1:57 a.m., was situated within Nepal, approximately 90 km east-southeast of Pithoragarh. It is noteworthy that the region has been encountering seismic activities of lesser magnitudes in recent days.

Earthquake tremors were felt in Lucknow as well as in many states of the U.P. in the afternoon around 2:30 IST. The magnitude of this unexpected earthquake is said to be 5.8.

According to information provided by the office of the relief commissioner, a total of 30 districts in Uttar Pradesh encountered tremors, while the remaining 45 districts remained unaffected.

Remarkably, this marks the fifth occurrence of an earthquake within the state capital in the past 13 months. Lucknow had previously experienced tremors on March 21 and January 24 of this year, as well as on November 9 and August 20 of the preceding year.

The earthquake, which endured for a duration exceeding 40 seconds, incited a state of panic among the inhabitants, prompting them to hastily evacuate their residences.

Those situated in office buildings experienced their workstations trembling, and the floor shaking to such an extent that numerous individuals likened it to a convulsive episode. In their desperate quest for safety, individuals scurried to find a secure corner, resulting in an overwhelming influx of people on the staircases, surpassing their capacity.

In contrast to Delhi, the police and administration in Lucknow exhibited questionable tardiness and, perhaps, an indifferent attitude in disseminating public warnings and alerts to the residents. It is expected that on November 9, another one measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, with an epicenter located in Nepal, will hit the region.

Remember to always be cautious in such situations and never panic. If feasible, proceed outdoors; however, if circumstances prevent you from doing so or if you find yourself trapped, seek refuge beneath a sturdy object.

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Isha Tripathi
Isha TripathiNews Writer
Isha Tripathi is a 5th-year law student. Being a law student, her primary writing focus has always been on society, mental health, and various legal aspects, but she is always open to other areas of writing. She has also completed two internships as a content writer. In addition to this, she has written various blogs, articles, etc.

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