UN Report Highlights Stagnation in Sustainable Development Goals Progress


Image Credits: Outlook Planet

10 July, 2024 – A recent report from the United Nations warns that progress on most of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has significantly stalled or regressed, signaling alarming global challenges in achieving set targets by 2030. According to “The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024,” an estimated 88% of the goals set for 2030 are off track, with stark regressions observed across key areas such as hunger, climate action, and economic growth.

The report details a concerning rise in global hunger, with nearly one in ten people facing chronic hunger in 2022. This marks an increase of approximately 122 million individuals since 2019, bringing the total to 735 million worldwide. Additionally, record-high food prices in 2022, exacerbated by climate impacts and ongoing conflicts, have worsened access to nutritious and sufficient food, pushing the world further away from achieving SDG 2, which aims to end hunger by 2030.

SDG 13, focused on climate action, has also seen considerable setbacks. Global greenhouse gas emissions hit a new high in 2022, with a record 57.4 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent released, primarily from fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes. This trend continues despite global commitments to integrate climate change measures into national policies and planning, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced global efforts to tackle climate issues.

The report also sheds light on the challenges in achieving decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). With global employment rates struggling to recover post-pandemic, and a significant portion of the workforce in developing regions still trapped in extreme poverty, the targets under this goal have faced substantial regression.

Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Li Junhua, emphasized the critical need for peace and global cooperation to address the root causes of these setbacks, notably conflicts that lead to widespread suffering and hinder sustainable development. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also pointed to the COVID-19 pandemic, escalating conflicts, and climate chaos as significant barriers to SDG progress.

In response to these challenges, the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, scheduled from July 8-18, 2024, in New York, will focus on reinforcing the 2030 Agenda. The forum aims to address the regression in key areas such as ending hunger (SDG 2), climate action (SDG 13), and promoting peaceful societies (SDG 16), among others. This gathering of global leaders will seek to identify effective, resilient, and innovative solutions to ensure the SDGs are back on track, highlighting the critical need for intensified global action and investment.

As the world grapples with multiple crises, this upcoming forum stands as a pivotal moment for international leaders to recalibrate strategies and commitments towards achieving the ambitious 2030 Agenda.

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Yangchula Bhutia
Yangchula BhutiaContent Editor
Yangchula Bhutia is a budding journalist currently pursuing her Master's degree in Journalism at Jadavpur University. Her passion lies in environmental issues, and she aspires to make a difference through impactful storytelling focused on environmental challenges and solutions.

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