It’s all been hollow words and empty actions- suggests the Global Gender Gap Report 2023


India’s Global Gender Gap Report ranking raises concerns with low scores in economic participation, health, and political empowerment.

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The World Economic Forum releases a Global gender gap report on a yearly basis. The global gender gap Index annually benchmarks the current state and evolution of gender parity across four key dimensions i.e. Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment. Pertaining to the yearly trend, it released its 17th edition report for this year in the month of June. The report for this year benchmarks gender parity over 146 countries, providing a basis for robust cross-country analysis.
India stood at a concerning rank, which is 127th among the 146 enlisted countries in the index. This rank sheds light upon the lackluster efforts taken by the government in order to address the persisting gender inequality in society. The report also analyses India’s position in various other aspects. In terms of the gender gap in Economic participation and opportunity, India stands on a deplorable standing of 142nd amongst the 146 countries. The report also suggests that the persisting gender gap in terms of health and survival is in a woeful status making India stand at the 142nd rank. India recorded a steep decline by ranking 59th in the index for the gender gap in political empowerment from its last year’s rank of 48th. Besides these, in most of the parameters, India stood with a triple-digit rank in the global index. As per the report India has thrived only in terms of bridging the gender gap in educational attainment in comparison to the global standards, as it rose from its previous ranking of 107th to its current ranking of 26th.
This global report highlights that India has still a long road to travel in securing gender parity for its citizens. It serves as a mirror that reflects the true state of our society prompting us to confront uncomfortable truths. It also imposes serious questions upon the various claims made by the political leaders in this regard. The report is a reflection that should be pondered upon not just by the politicians, but also by the people who disregard the disparities faced by women in various aspects of Indian society. The abysmal standing of India in this report on global recognition underscores the urgent need to bridge the gender gap, promote equality and empower women in all sectors through compelling comprehensive, and sustained efforts by policymakers, civil society organizations, and individuals alike. The report is a stark reminder for the people in power and the society at large to work on this front in order to ensure a just and better environment for every individual to flourish irrespective of their gender identities and create a future where gender equality isn’t just an aspiration but a lived reality. It is pertinent to acknowledge that achieving gender parity is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic imperative to ensure sustainable development and a prosperous future for the nation at large.

-✍️Sahanubhuti Krishnan

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    Sahanubhuti Krishnan
    Sahanubhuti KrishnanContent Editor
    Sahanubhuti Krishnan is a dedicated student of Journalism at Delhi School of Journalism, University of Delhi. With a strong passion for political, economic, and social journalism, Sahanubhuti aims to explore and shed light on the important issues shaping our society. Equipped with a desire to inform and engage the public, Sahanubhuti seeks to develop their skills in researching, reporting, and storytelling to create impactful narratives that resonate with readers. Through their studies, Sahanubhuti strives to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities within the realms of politics, economics, and social dynamics, with the ultimate goal of making a meaningful contribution to the field of journalism. With a commitment to upholding ethical standards and a drive to create positive change, Sahanubhuti Krishnan is poised to make a mark in the world of journalism.

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