Hitches faced as Venezuela’s Citgo Beelines for U.S. Auction

FILE PHOTO: A CITGO refinery is pictured in Sulphur

Image Source: Reuters

In the last four years, the United States of America has done everything possible to shield Citgo Petroleum, an oil refining company, from loan sharks striving to snatch Venezuela’s crown jewel for billions of dollars in assets. However, on Monday, an auction will be initiated by a U.S. judge, anticipated to transfer the company to rivals or investors.

This auction could come as a new beginning for the company that is more than a century old and dated to be possessed by Venezuela for nearly 40 years. An indeterminate issue is if the decision of the Biden administration taken last week to soothe energy sanctions on Venezuela could authorize the nation to pay back the loan sharks and dissolve the lawsuit.

Last week in Washington, a senior U.S. State Department official stated that the sanctions relief should not influence the auction in any way. Although the United States has individually extended Citgo’s safeguarding from loan sharks until January.

Even then, Citgo will most likely be in the control of one or maybe more of the United States’ largest refiners, most probably leaving Venezuela with nothing at all, as reported by the people involved closely.

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Khushboo Haq
Khushboo HaqNews Writer
Khushboo Haq is a First year student of M.A. in political science and international relations at Gautam Buddha University. She wants to leverage her strong writing skills, creativity, and expertise in various niches to deliver high-quality, and engaging, content for News Media.

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