China’s Foreign Minister Warns of Critical Stage in Japan Relations


Wang Yi informed his Japanese counterpart of the critical state between China-Japan relations.

Kamikawa Yoko on left, Wang Yion the right credit-

Kamikawa Yoko on left, Wang Yion the right credit-

Friday, July 26 – Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi informed his Japanese counterpart on Friday that their ties are at a critical stage. The two discussed several challenging issues, such as restrictions on semiconductor imports, food import prohibitions, and the detainment of Japanese nationals in China.

Prior to this Saturday’s East Asia Summit and the security-focused ASEAN Regional Forum, Wang met with Yoko Kamikawa of Japan during a foreign ministers’ gathering that the Southeast Asian organization ASEAN arranged in Laos. Wang informed Kamikawa that “China-Japan relations are currently at a critical stage where they will either advance or retreat.” Establishing a “correct and objective understanding of China and pursuing a positive and rational policy toward China” was his call to Tokyo.

Mofa Japan on X

According to a statement issued from Beijing, the Chinese foreign minister stated that “the two sides should maintain political foundation of bilateral relations, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, properly manage differences, and truly implement the strategic reciprocal relationship,” Kamikawa informed Wang that Tokyo will pursue talks with Beijing “in a multi-layered and persistent manner.”

Wang retorted that China wished to advance relations in order to “overcome difficulties together,” according to Kyodo News of Tokyo. Recent years have seen tense relations between the neighbours due to several problems, including territorial disputes, economic disputes, and Beijing’s criticism of Tokyo for its decision to release treated water into the sea from the Fukushima nuclear facility.

The most recent instance was when destroyer Suzutsuki of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force entered Chinese territorial seas off the coast of Zhejiang province on July 4, where China had declared it would conduct naval exercises. The Japanese side clarified that a technical error had occurred, though China considers Japan to be one of the contributors to counter China’s rising dominance in the region.

PM KISHIDA, visit to Washington D.C.,
Mofa Japan on X

Japan, a key US ally whose policies align with Washington’s, has attempted to strategically reduce its reliance on China in several vital areas. One such goal is to impose export restrictions on semiconductors to keep Beijing from obtaining cutting-edge chip technology. However, it is expanding into new areas, particularly in Southeast Asia and India, and diversifying its investments outside of China.

As long as the strategy is practical, Japan will be able to protect its vital interests and maintain diplomatic relations with its neighbour to strike a balance between its strategic and economic goals. Japan is taking the same track as Taiwan, according to a Reuters interview with the chairman of the island’s main trade association, Taiwan has moved its leftover businesses from its worst adversary, The Public Republican of China. As tensions over trade between major nations rise, Taiwanese businesses are moving their supply chains from China to India as Taipei and New Delhi deepen their economic ties.

To learn more about the recent Taiwanese business relocation follow the link- Impact of China Tensions: Taiwan Businesses Explore Indian Supply Routes | News India Official

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Mohammad Kaif Zaidi
Mohammad Kaif ZaidiNews Writer
Mohammad Kaif Zaidi is a student of MA Mass Communication and Journalism at Aligarh Muslim University. His background is strongly backed by his previous experience in the vibrant spectrum of mass communication and journalism. He possesses a creative and technical personality with a robust approach towards his work.

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