Anurag Thakur, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, said on Monday that veteran actress Waheeda Rehman would get the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, the nation’s highest distinction in the film industry. He acknowledged her prior accomplishments and lauded the iconic actor’s efforts in the films on X (previously Twitter). The actor has demonstrated “dedication, commitment, and the strength of a Bharatiya Nari,” the speaker added.
The coveted Dadasaheb Phalke Lifetime Achievement Award will be given to Waheeda Rehman ji this year for her outstanding contribution to Indian cinema, the author said. “I feel a great sense of pride and honor in making this announcement. For her parts in Hindi films, particularly Pyaasa, Kaagaz ke Phool, Chaudhavi Ka Chand, Saheb Biwi Aur Ghulam, Guide, Khamoshi, and others, Waheeda ji has received critical praise.”
“She has played her roles with extreme finesse throughout her career, which spans more than five decades, earning her a National Film Award for her role as a clanswoman in the movie Reshma and Shera,” he stated. Waheeda ji, a recipient of the Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan awards, is a prime example of commitment, hard work, and the power of a Bharatiya Nari who can reach the pinnacle of professional success.
“Her being awarded this lifetime achievement award is a fitting tribute to one of the leading ladies of Indian cinema and one who has dedicated her life after films to philanthropy and the greater good of society,” Thakur said in his conclusion. “At a time when the historic Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam has been passed by Parliament, I congratulate her and gratefully extend my regards for her extensive body of work, which is fundamental to our cinematic history.”
Veteran Bollywood diva Asha Parekh received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award last year for “her exemplary lifetime contribution to Indian Cinema.” Rajinikanth, Amitabh Bachchan, Gulzar, Pran, Prithviraj Kapoor, Manoj Kumar, Shashi Kapoor, Manna Dey, and Vinod Khanna (posthumously) are just a few of the other honorees.
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