BJP Separates Itself from Kangana Ranaut’s Comments on Farmers’ Protests


Image Source: Times Of India

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has distanced itself from recent controversial comments made by Kangana Ranaut, the newly elected MP from Mandi, regarding the farmers’ protests in India. The party emphasized that her statements do not reflect its official position and cautioned her to refrain from making such comments in the future.

Kangana’s Controversial Remarks

Kangana Ranaut, known for her provocative public statements, stirred up controversy once again when she suggested that the farmers’ protests could have escalated into a situation similar to what Bangladesh experienced during its independence struggle. She claimed that the decisive actions taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government prevented such a crisis.

In a video shared on her social media handle, Kangana alleged that during the protests, there were instances of violence, including bodies being found hanging and reports of assaults. She further accused foreign forces and certain individuals in the film industry of conspiring to prolong the protests even after the government rolled back the three contentious farm laws.

BJP’s Reaction and Warning

The BJP, in an official statement, expressed disagreement with Kangana’s comments, making it clear that she was not authorized to speak on behalf of the party. The party emphasized that her statements were personal opinions and did not represent the BJP’s stance.

The party’s Punjab unit, in particular, took offense to Kangana’s comments. Harjit Garewal, a leader from the Punjab BJP, stated that Kangana’s comments were not only inappropriate but also harmful, as they could be exploited by opposition parties to criticize the government. He advised her to avoid making such inflammatory statements, especially on sensitive issues like the farmers’ protests, which have deep social and political implications.

Garewal emphasized that the BJP and Prime Minister Modi are committed to supporting farmers and that Kangana’s comments could be seen as undermining that commitment. He cautioned her against speaking on topics that are beyond her expertise or mandate.

The BJP’s response to Kangana Ranaut’s controversial statements highlights the party’s effort to distance itself from comments that could potentially harm its image or create unnecessary controversy. By issuing a public warning to Kangana, the BJP aims to ensure that its official position on sensitive issues like the farmers’ protests remains clear and consistent. As an actor-turned-politician, Kangana’s future statements will likely be closely monitored by the party to prevent further controversies.

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SanchitaNews Writer
Sanchita is currently pursuing her master's in journalism and mass communication. She has already completed a PG diploma in journalism and mass communication from Patna Women's College and her graduation from Berhampur University. With a strong desire to become a journalist, she is focused on learning and enhancing her skills to excel in her chosen career.

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